Tricks to gain confidence over fears


If you were in a dire emergency or had an illness like coronavirus that only permitted you to live a couple more days. What would you be thinking about? Perhaps some memories you left behind for others to remember? Would there be any secrets in life that would tarnish your reputation or cause harm to people you love? Mark Twain once said, “The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to think about what to say.” I have explained some examples and tips for leaders in the prior blog. Now we would like to expound on what we should discuss on the topics of the importance of teamwork and mentorship, the role we play as entrepreneurs and God’s children, and a story about Ms.Hayes.

 Firstly, teamwork is so valuable and we all need friends and mentors to help us in our journeys and with our dreams and aspirations in life. Bees are the epitome of teamwork, 1 bee produces about 1/12th of a teaspoon, but together a colony makes from 60 to 100 lbs. of honey per year. The role of a good mentor is priceless and necessary. They help others move forward and in turn those who are mentored help others in their journey. 

Secondly, I recently finished the book Launching Leaders by Steven Hitz. He shares some tips and trick on how to become the kind of leader we dream of being under the care and guidance of a loving God. “We want you to ignore the unproductive perspectives of the world and focus on bringing your perspective into alignment with God’s.” He shares that the book will “help discover the true roots of your identity, and to begin living the unique purposes for which you were made. Envision what you want out of life.” In essence this could be an accurate summary.

I was reminded of how important it is for all of us to be humble, to resist the temptation to place ourselves above others, and to rely fully on God. The only constant in life is God, which is why it’s so important that we learn to bring all aspects of our lives into full alignment with His truth, His timing, and His will. Recognize the impressions of your heart by creating a quiet time in which to pray, ponder, and meditate. Observe, see God’s hand, be bold, be careful, show gratitude.

Lastly, there is a video in YouTube of an interview of a Mrs. Sharon Hays from the small Baby Greens business of the salad drive-thru. She explained that when we don’t really fit in, we’re going to go down one path or another with that, we either let that thing that breaks us and makes us bitter, or it becomes a thing that makes us stronger. This resonated with me because I feel that sometimes even outside of the business world this can happen. It is vital that we contemplate the effects of a closed mindset and remember to change it around and seek for the positive open mindset of growth. Then she uttered, “either do it or stop talking about it," This struck me as well-being that often times I, myself, am prone to talk a lot, and I just need to back down and do what I preach. We need to act. “Feed your crazy dream a little bit, because maybe it’s not so crazy," was also something that was bold she said after that.  Hays advises us to find what our dream is and give it life. This in essence is what all the business-related videos are geared toward; the things that are most important and the decisions we need to make early on that will gear us toward our dreams/goals of success in business and in life.


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