Mankind is Your True Business


            How will you leave your mark on the world? Having a lot of money is not evil, only the love of money is. J Paul Getty, oil tycoon offered these three tips for business success: 1. Get up early, 2. Work hard, 3. Find your oil. David B Height added on to the list of advice for a life worth living. He said, “work hard, get your education, leave your mark.” By finding your oil we mean work! Sell! Do whatever you need to in order to make a profit. Many people are happy with the income that they have, large or small, but in a business world typically you need to make money to stay afloat. Profit is a very good thing for your livelihood. This does not mean we should do it without boundaries. 

Let’s talk about some boundaries we should have in place for the betterment of society in regards to the business world.  For example, taxes… nobody likes to pay taxes, but it is the law. “Isn’t it ok if we just fudge a little with the national tax laws?  Nobody will ever find out.” If this is your line of thinking, think again. Experienced business men and women will tell you that once you compromise your integrity, there is no going back in the business world.  Bad decisions will always come back to you. Whatever you do, do it with healthy guiderails, boundaries of virtuous ethics. 

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, can you ask the Lords blessing for your business with a clear conscience? In some way shape and form, your business will involve people eventually. Whatever you do, do it with healthy guiderails, boundaries of virtuous ethics. “Mankind is your true business.” – Lynn G Robbins taught. He explained in a devotional that there are 4 categories of ethics motivation for business. 


Love of God and fellow man

Man and woman will be kingdom builders, and honest and upright. They will lift and help others. They have a different vision than those at a lower level.



Does what they do for the money.


Love of money

Minimal quality into the products and services, look for cheapest way to produce. Personal integrity is compromised. Deceptive advertising.


Filthy lucre

Harmful to clients, injured, or killed.

            In the end, how will you make an impression on the people? Will it be an influence for good? Choose which one you are planning to be, before you begin to build your business, because your way of life is already placing you in one of these categories. If change needs to be made to meet your goal, do it now. People are your business. They want to know your human story, give them something worth admiration.


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