Admit it or not, your time usage establishes priorities

Rather than reading the whole book, we were asked to read a summary from from the book the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: An Approach To Solving Personal and Professional Problems by Stephen R. Covey. Even though the book is a series of steps, the writing rubric asks us to speak of the principle that struck us the most. At this time in my life I find step number 3 striking.              

Setting priorities often shapes a society and economy. “The way you spend your time is a direct result of the way you really see your own personal priorities, whether you like to admit it or not.” expresses Covey. I have a firm belief that this is a huge stumbling block, not only for myself but for the majority of the world. If I make better choices in ordering priorities and transfer that into action during my day to day routines, I will be an even better person, and change my environment and family for good at all times. Many people get frustrated with the demands of life. For example, if you do other things instead of cook lunch as a mother, lunch time comes around and your child begs you for food, you do not have a right to lose your temper and be bothered that someone is needing you right now. The whole consumerism in the United States is based on buying impulses that is not on a need basis per say. If people would put finances in order for their families, they would not need a new credit card, maybe they wouldn’t need so many clothes, they would have way more savings on hand for crisis, etc. We will not progress if we do not have our priorities in order.

The 7 habits help you fill your life with passion and purpose as you seek to achieve a private victory.  Balance, goal setting, and priority setting is in this phase. Without a motivation, you won’t get anywhere. Your life will have a purpose when you ponder on ordering your goals and wishes. When we have proper balance, we gain a paradigm shift and begin to see problems in a different light. Problems become boosts for personal learning and growth. We can become the kind of people we dream of being by focusing on balancing what matters most.

The 7 habits help you fill your life with passion and purpose as you seek to achieve a public victory. It is said that what people say about you when you are not in the room is your brand. If you are able to connect with your employees, your customers, your bosses, and communicate and engage with the community and family in a pleasurable way, you are bound to have a public victory. This takes speaking skills, empathy, and a good reputation. Integrity is everything if you wish to have a favorable public eye. There is a quote that rings true with life, which says, “It is nice to be important. It is important to be nice. It is essential to be both.” 

This week I finished the book Mastery by George Leonard. One of the greatest topics that I enjoyed reading about was on the teacher/student relationship.  I adore the topic of not being able to choose your teacher at times. Thus, is life, sometimes trials presented to us are out of our control. Leonard suggest we look into ourselves in order to see if we are expecting too much form a certain teacher that in reality is doing the best that he or she can.  I personally do try to look at the lineage of my teachers, to see where they studied, but we can also do the same with the materials we are learning from. Seek the best of sources. Objects like books, computer learning, and films can also be considered your teachers and friends on your path to mastery along with the mentors, friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers.  I do agree with Leonard that the best teachers should take delight in being surpassed by their own teachers. We must be humble while teaching others. It says to see a teacher clearly, we must look at the students whom can be a work of art. I would think this is only to a certain degree because motivation of oneself renders part of the output.

In closing, I am looking forward to learning more about how I can shape myself in order to work to conquer goals, continue to love practice, and change the world around me little by little with my sphere of influence.


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