Dream Like a Child


Do you know what imagineering is? According to the oxford dictionary, imagineer is a noun, a person who devises and implements a new or highly imaginative concept or technology, in particular one who devises the attractions in Walt Disney theme parks. Or a verb 1. devise and implement (a new or highly imaginative concept or technology). It is knowing how to imagine and getting paid for it. Randy Pausch is that man who achieved many professional goals and has a particular zest for life and humor that has led min to be a charitable academic, philanthropic, and entrepreneurial man.

I think Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his childhood dreams because of books, mentors, and most importantly because he was guided to think freely as a child and had those dreams set from the get-go. Randy died of cancer in 2008. Randy Pausch explains that he put those dreams into action through experimentation at a young age. He has authored or co-authored five books and over 60 reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles. Do you know how hard and competitive it is to get approval and publish in the professional world?  I do!  I have watched my husband publish in very great places over and over again and I know how much he had to read, study, edit, and after a couple of rejections, got on a great publishing streak. Randy said about life: "Brick walls are there for a reason; they let us prove how bad we want things."

I know that dreaming is very important. There are a couple of reasons why. First of all, many successful people will say that they had a vision prior to starting, of what they really wanted to become. This is where the dreams are born. Think about this quote from Steven Covey…

This is the reason why we need to have goals established. Whatever the intentions may be, a goal in mind is key. You can be a successful business man, but in the end, you can end up using those tools and that knowledge you have gained for bad or good. This is why guardrails must be in place to guide your ethics and values in the business world.

One of my childhood dreams was to be a mother. I got at it right away, with some help, and would never change a thing about that decision.  I was 19 years old. Holding newborns in my arms was the is the closest I will probably be to heaven while living on Earth. Forget about the pain of child bearing, rather seeing the creation of God being lent to me for a while is a wonder beyond description.

This goal will be the most important in the end, surpassing my economic and professional desires put together.


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