5/30/2021 Blog Wee 6: Personal Space Differences

A lot of times, I will go to the sink while someone is washing dishes, and collect water for a pot and not say, "excuse me," But for some members of the household they find it offensive to jump in front of someone. I, personally, don't mind it at all. This is because our personal space concepts are very different. My 13 year old daughter doesn't like hugs, kisses or anything. I do not know how to correct this to help ehr feel more comfortable. She is leaning towards being an introvert and doesn't like it when we ask her to speak up, or if we tell her she is shy, even though it is true! So now you see that in each family there can be many different styles and names of types of personalities and spaces. “...personal territory can expand or contract depending on the local circumstances.” The idea of personal space can vary in each individual based on their own surroundings. When I came to Bolivia to some parties, I noticed if you came too early to an event, there ...