
6/3/2021 Blog W7: TESOL Culture and Psychology

Who is the real man? Who is the real woman? I would then ask, of all of God’s children and cultures on Earth, who are we to judge this? I have a cross-cultural marriage, so as science can tell you, it is more challenging than a same culture marriage. This means that this is also going to be an adventure if we choose this way, and life can be quite interesting. I remember when we were newly weds, peanut butter and jelly was a typical lunch in my family and childhood. Once in a while I would serve this in my newlywed home. I remember that my husband didn’t recognize it as a meal, rather more like a dessert. Are there any elements in your home culture that are irrationally causing you to have low self-esteem? If there is, know that it is normal, and it is ok to conclude that through the years, you will not be able to change the ingrained culture of your fellow companions. There has to be some kind of meeting point where you can agree that if once and a while your spouse misses so...

6/1/2021 Manners

  6/1/2021 W07 Blog: Manners Here are some manners from the United States. But, in the link below, you can read about a lot of different manners. https://people.howstuffworks. com/13-examples-of-good-and- bad-manners-around-the-world. htm#page=0 A lot of what someone may do as an individual may be very disturbing for others. Culture plays an important role in this. If we are offending others through our own cultural habits we should consider these events and see what we could have done better and do it next time. We need to prevent giving in and using the personal feelings of the teacher. When we lash out thinking something is really not nice or fair. I suspect that SOME of the shootings in schools in the US has to do with the fact that they suppress everything and this could cause anger or depression.

6/1/2021 Cross Cultural Education

  I was recently speaking with my husband on the subject of cross-cultural students. I compared the US undergrads he taught for 12 years and the Bolivian undergrads he is currently teaching.  I told him, “Don’t they act similarly?”  He said, “Yes, in the area of output and work, but there is one huge difference!” I asked him, “What is it?” He said, “Their attitudes and respect.” He was referring to the US students who are not afraid to tear up a teacher in an evaluation. The same young adults who eat in class, walk out before the teacher has finished, etc. This is the issue among other countries at times. Once in the pandemic virtual setting a student from Tarija, Bolivia had their camera on themselves during class, with no shirt on, laying in bed, and on their phone simultaneously during the same class.   I would argue that if a culture says that such and such is disrespectful, then it is. We should be respectful to others' culture and opinions. The US ...

5/30/2021 Blog Wee 6: Personal Space Differences

A lot of times, I will go to the sink while someone is washing dishes, and collect water for a pot and not say, "excuse me," But for some members of the household they find it offensive to jump in front of someone. I, personally, don't mind it at all. This is because our personal space concepts are very different. My 13 year old daughter doesn't like hugs, kisses or anything. I do not know how to correct this to help ehr feel more comfortable. She is leaning towards being an introvert and doesn't like it when we ask her to speak up, or if we tell her she is shy, even though it is true! So now you see that in each family there can be many different styles and names of types of personalities and spaces. “...personal territory can expand or contract depending on the local circumstances.”    The idea of personal space can vary in each individual based on their own surroundings. When I came to Bolivia to some parties, I noticed if you came too early to an event, there ...

5/29/15; Week 6: Attributions

Do you know what attributional tendencies are? Photo curtosy of  Fritz Heider was the first person to describe how people make attributions. Explanations of behavior and events can be categorized as internal or external attributions.  There could be two types we can analyze. Internal Attributions ascribe the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings. Internal attributions could be when we give the credit to ourselves for something. This reminds me of the phrase, “pat yourself on the back.” kind of thinking. External Attributions ascribe the causes of behavior to situational demands, and environmental constraint. This is when we give other people credit for something that occurs. Any variation in stability in these two types would likely be based on the idea of “luck”, competition, and/or ability. For example, instead of giving myself credit for still being married after 17 years, I could say, “Wow, we really got lu...

Individualismo versus colectivismo

  Individualismo versus colectivismo ¿Disfruta siendo usted mismo y haciendo lo suyo? Puede ser de una sociedad individualista. La consulta siempre se busca en una sociedad colectiva. La camaradería provoca la necesidad de enfatizar el cuidado porque serás más responsable del grupo que estás representando. Es posible que se necesiten servicios y apoyos si descubrimos que alguien necesita ayuda al cambiar de un tipo de vida social a otro dentro del salón de clases de inglés. El sitio web de NCSET compartió una cita de otro fuente: Trumbull et al. (2001) dice "Observe que es importante que el personal comprenda las diferencias básicas entre individualismo y colectivismo porque estas dos orientaciones guían guiones de desarrollo bastante diferentes para los niños y para la escolarización; y los conflictos entre ellos se reflejan a diario en las aulas de EE. UU. Una mayor conciencia de cómo moldean las metas y los comportamientos puede permitir que los maestros y los padres interprete...

5/27/2021; Week 5: Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualism vs. Collectivism Do you enjoy being yourself and doing your own thing?  You may be from an individualist society. Consultation is always sought in a collective society. Comradery causes the need to emphasize care because you will be more responsible for the group you are representing. services and supports may be needed if we find someone needs assistance when changing from one type of social life to another inside of the English language classroom. The NCSET website shared, “As Trumbull et al. (2001) note, it is important for personnel to understand the basic differences between individualism and collectivism because these two orientations guide rather different developmental scripts for children and for schooling; and conflicts between them are reflected daily in U.S. classrooms. Keener awareness of how they shape goals and behaviors can enable teachers and parents to interpret each other’s expectations better and work together more harmoniously on behalf of student...